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Saturday, September 26, 2009

More...? What's new

Demi Lovato has a new Twitter out

"I made a new Twitter!
This is my Personal Twitter !!
Follow me?!

And KeKe Plamer has a few words for us
"Tonight is a Big Night on Nickelodeon!

First , World Wide Day of Play the network will shut down for a while so kids can go out and play, then the cast of True Jackson V.P. will bring you out of the darkness!!! We have a brand new episode guest starring Victoria Justice make sure you check it out it's a very cool episode!

*Send me your pics outdoors today!!! It's simple snap a picture with your photo and send it to me at: tjvpcontest@kekepalmer.com the winning pic we will broadcast via SayNow!

I placed a new song in myspace player called Facebook Stalker, just a demo give me some feedback, much appreciated....

Have a Great World Wide Day Of Play, Make the Best of It !"

And Panic at the Disco has words too

The guys recently sat down with both Rolling Stone and Elle to talk about New Perspective, Jennifer's Body, plans for a new album, and more.

Also, if you missed the Rock-It radio interview, you can watch it on Friends Or Enemies. While you're over there, check out the photos of the guys in the Rock-It studio!

featuring the single 'New Perspective'

And Miley Cyrus new video is now out on "You tube.com" so take a look at it when you get a chance if you haven't already on my blog here.

And as for me I am out to read my book "Wuthering Heights."
Great book actually you should check it out.

Wuthering Heights Pictures, Images and Photos



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